I've developed a CE class on various Errors and Omissions topics that's approved for two hours of CE in PA. The course is designed to help active licensed agency staff, especially those working on sales, service or marketing of accounts, to navigate through the nuances of E&O risks. There's enough info to help someone who's not usually working on these classes to understand the basics, and there's also plenty of information to help those working on E&O exposures on a regular basis.
2. you and a few local agencies/friendly competitors want to join forces and have the CE class offered at one of your office locations
3. you have another idea and want to run it past us!
- Basic concepts (definitions and examples of "claims made", "prior acts" and "retroactive date", "ERP", etc)
- Pros and cons including comparison of key differences between occurrence and claims made and how to handle risks moving from one form to the other
- Additional concepts (including claims expense outside the limit, first dollar defense, "Hammer Clause", slit retro or split limit endorsements, "career coverage")
- Additional insured, waiver of subrogation, hold harmless and certificates of insurance - what you can expect from a carrier providing professional liability
- Key elements to help increase your chances of writing business
Tuscano will foot the bill, so all you or your staff have to do is attend. It's been presented a few times in Greensburg and now we're ready to take it on the road. For additional information or to talk about booking this course, contact Tim Hoelle or Emily Casino at Tuscano. 800-442-8063
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