We're pleased to share the news that we've added another product to assist our customers in serving their customers.
› Pro bono and moonlighting services covered with no prior approval required
One of our A.M. Best rated A+ carrier has added coverage for Employed Lawyers. Qualified attorneys can work for entities small or large, public or private, for-profit companies or non profit organizations.
This policy is designed to provide malpractice coverage for corporate counsel (in-house attorneys). Typically these attorneys rely on their employer for coverage, and unfortunately the employer doesn't always consider the exposure until they've been hit with suit papers.
In addition to the protection provided by putting coverage in place, employers with such coverage will likely have an advantage in recruiting corporate counsel over other employers without this important coverage.
Key Coverage Features:
› Broad definition of wrongful act including actual or alleged negligence in rendering or failure to render legal services or personal injury committed by an insured› Pro bono and moonlighting services covered with no prior approval required
› Insured includes attorneys and staff, spouse or domestic partner
› Attorneys added during the policy period are covered with no prior approval required
› Attorneys added during the policy period are covered with no prior approval required
Limits to $5 Million
Premiums as low as $1000
Contact us for more information or an application.
Remember, we have great markets for hard to place firms as well.
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