Thursday, August 26, 2010

Home Run!

Banner of Babe Ruth at "New" Yankee Stadium, Summer 2010

We've always represented some very strong carriers and products for E&O, Professional Liability, and D&O/EPL. With the emergence of the Technology and Environmental markets we've continued to add products. Over the past year or so we've added some new markets and products and have just done so again in the past couple of weeks. In looking at our market selection and products I think we've hit a home run.

The most recent additions include two carriers. One is a smaller, more agile E&S carrier that is capable of writing various Miscellaneous E&O risks, Architects and Engineers, Social Services and Allied Medical.

The other facility is an AM Best rated A XV carrier that is looking for all manner and types of Miscellaneous E&O including testing labs, spa services, safety consulting, employment agencies, claims adjusters and on and on. They are also non-admitted, but don't let that put you off. Their policy form is cutting edge and gives you a unique advantage over your competitors. The standard unendorsed policy provides the following:
  • defense costs in addition to the limit

  • innocent insured provision

  • crisis management, PR or legal firm costs up to $25K to maintain public confidence in the insured's operation in the event of a covered loss

  • loss of earnings coverage and disciplinary proceedings coverage (sub limits apply)

  • no hammer clause (the most liberal consent to settle* wording available

In addition these and other carriers offer coverage extensions for Intellectual Property coverage, Sexual Abuse and Molestation , Contingent BI/PD and others on selected or qualifying classes.

If your client or prospect is providing medical or healtchare related services, social services, consulting, design, engineering or other professional services we're ready to help. Call us for more information or to discuss your client's business operations and how we can help increase your batting average on both new and renewal business.

*see this post link below for more info on consent to settle/hammer clause, or find the post dated July 15th headed Lawyers Coverage Part III)